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FBI Office - Weapon License [Application]

Peter Greenson
Nicolas Djordjevic
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FBI Office -  Weapon License [Application] Empty FBI Office - Weapon License [Application]

Post by Tommy Thu Feb 10, 2011 8:17 pm

Due to the increase of criminality the FBI has invented an official licensing system with co-operation from other Law Enforcement Departments.

If your request is accepted, you have to send in a check of 100 dollars.
If you do not meet up with the requirements below you will NOT receive a license.


You must be over the age of 18

Clean criminal record, your history will be checked

Format filled out properly with good reasons why you are applying

If you are spotted, or arrested with a handgun and you're NOT a helder of a weapon license your weapon will be confiscated and you will be arrested.

Please use this format and send it to our local office ((Leave a reply, NOTE that any copycats will be denied! ))


[b]Forename and Surname:


Phone Number:

Social Security Number:

Check ID((Post a screenshot where you transfer 2000 dollars to an FBI member)):
Why are you applying to achieve a weapon license((150 words minimum)):

State why we would accept your application((100 words minimum)):

Do you have experience with handguns and / or other weapons:

Current employment:

Signature :[/b]


Last edited by Tommy on Sun Feb 13, 2011 1:23 am; edited 1 time in total

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FBI Office -  Weapon License [Application] Empty Re: FBI Office - Weapon License [Application]

Post by Aaron_Lee Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:59 pm

(( Soo expensive T_T ))
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FBI Office -  Weapon License [Application] Empty Nicolas Djordjevic - Weapon License

Post by Nicolas Djordjevic Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:45 pm

Forename and Surname: Nicolas Djordjevic

Address: 54 Palomino Creek

Phone Number: 1010157

Social Security Number: 24-1-51

Check ID((Post a screenshot where you transfer 2000 dollars to an FBI member)):

(( I'll do that if I get license from the agent. ))
Why are you applying to achieve a weapon license((150 words minimum)):

Well, first thing first. I work as a barman, in a night club named Asylum. Well, working as a barman isn't only serving the clients, or pouring a glass of beer. Almost every night, an incident happens. People usually start fighting, sometimes it comes up to a gunfight, and then I have to dial 911, and to wait them to come. While Police is on their way, a lot of things can happen, someone can get shot, or someone gets injured. Well, with a weapon license, and weapon I can stop fights, or any other conflicts. Not by shooting suspects down one by one of course, showing them a weapon would be just enough for them to stop making the mess.

My second reason is my own safety. For example, my friend got shot in the leg few days ago, and I wasn't able to help him anyhow.But well, he survived, which is a good thing.Also I can easily get robbed or mugged by armed men, but not only me, it can happen to any of my friends with whom I spend time with.

State why we would accept your application((100 words minimum)):

As I already said before, I need to to protect myself and others in the place where I work, and for my,and my friends safety. I am not planning to shoot at any of people who're starting the fight or who are attempting to hurt me, rob me, ect. I thing that showing them a weapon would be enough for them to fall back, in fact,I don't want to shoot at anyone, I just want to solve the problem,anyhow, but not to use my trigger or to injure anyone.

Do you have experience with handguns and / or other weapons:

A little. When I was a boy, I was hunting with my father in the forest. He gave me some small experience, and shew me how to properly shot down a deer, or a bear.

Current employment: Barman.

Signature :
Nicolas Djordjevic
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FBI Office -  Weapon License [Application] Empty Re: FBI Office - Weapon License [Application]

Post by Chris_Bell Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:12 am

Forename and Surname: Chris Bell

Address: 37 Palamino Creek

Phone Number: 1010032

Social Security Number: 137441320

Check ID((Post a screenshot where you transfer 2000 dollars to an FBI member)): ((I'll do it when I'm accepted))
Why are you applying to achieve a weapon license((150 words minimum)):Well,I know what its like to be a civilian out there. I have been attacked more then once. Sometimes I use a knife to protect my self,but criminals seem to be getting more and more guns. I see illegal gun trades going on all the time. Some people have M4s without a license. As a sergeant I have seen alot of things,as a civlian I have seen it all. The world is dangerous beyond the squad car,and I just wont protection for my self. Calling 911 can not be relied on at all time,so I must attempt to protect my self,and the old pocket knife isn't going to do that for me anymore.

State why we would accept your application((100 words minimum)):Like I said above,I was a sergeant in the SD before. I know how to handle a gun,and I assure you I will not abuse my privledges of owning one. I would always use it for the greater good and never use it for anything other then protecting my self or loved ones. Most of the people who get their license go off and buy guns to go and have a hold up in the middle of the street. I want to avoid that by owning my license, so I can get my protection soon. I don't know if I'll last much longer without it.

Do you have experience with handguns and / or other weapons: Yes,I was a sergeant in the SD. I have used a sniper rifle a few times,a MP5 alot of times,and my Deagle the most. Occasionly I used the taser,but that was for when we had runners and what not.

Current employment: Unemployed

Signature :
Chris Bell


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FBI Office -  Weapon License [Application] Empty Re: FBI Office - Weapon License [Application]

Post by Peter Greenson Fri Mar 04, 2011 10:26 am

Forename and Surname: Peter Greenson

Address: 34 Palomino Creek

Phone Number: 1010138

Social Security Number: 8379-8969

Check ID((Post a screenshot where you transfer 2000 dollars to an FBI member)):
Why are you applying to achieve a weapon license((150 words minimum)):

In a recent mugging I have decided to apply for a weapons license, I also participate in the primary production industry so I need to have a higher caliber weapon to keep pests away from livestock. The mugging was taken place by gunpoint, I don't feel like I need to buy a gun however to stay safe I have taken the necessary precautions to not get mugged again but I will still like the idea of having a suitable sidearm, I'm looking at a Colt. 45 so I can allow it to be seen as a pure weapon of self defense. I am trying to get a rifle bearer license as well so I can kill large animals in the field.

State why we would accept your application((100 words minimum)):

The application should be accepted because America's constitution allows users to bear arms. This second amendment states that all Americans are free to bear arms. My experience and past jobs will prove that I will not use this license as a way to inflict pain onto another American or Foreign Person. I will use this license to help provide support for working in rural conditions and serve as a measure of self defense.

Do you have experience with handguns and / or other weapons: 4 Years experience with M16A2 (ARMY) , 6 Years experience with M9 9mm (ARMY), 10 Years experience with Remington 700 (Personal reasons)

Current employment: EMS Lieutenant.

Signature :
Peter Greenson
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FBI Office -  Weapon License [Application] Empty Re: FBI Office - Weapon License [Application]

Post by Nazz Sat Mar 05, 2011 8:24 pm

Forename and Surname: Alyssa Williamson (Wendy_Seban)

Address: 16 Palomino Creek

Phone Number: 1010254

Social Security Number: 636-96-0036

Check ID((Post a screenshot where you transfer 2000 dollars to an FBI member)):
((to be added on acceptance))
Why are you applying to achieve a weapon license((150 words minimum)):
I am a biologist studying some of the local fauna of the Palomino Creek area. With the recent incident regarding wolves attacking civilians in the town, I believe it would be a good idea to arm myself if I were to be going on field work and investigating the strange behavior. I'm not looking for an arsenal, rather something simple such as a silenced handgun to keep any specimen quiet. At the same time, a larger weapon may be needed in the case of a lethal attack by a bear or some sort. Even a smaller, sharp weapon in the likeliness of a knife would be acceptable to do any field work of skinning or dissecting a captured specimen. I believe any findings of mine with thorough research of the animals may benefit the community of Palomino Creek greatly. I ask for a weapon license to keep myself and the rest of my fellow civilians out of harms way during my studies.

State why we would accept your application((100 words minimum)):
The acceptance of my application would not become a regret. I have been wielding firearms for at least half of my 24 years, so responsibility of carrying a weapon is not something to worry about. I've also used a variety of different kinds of guns, including semi-automatic pistols, a .44 Magnum Revolver, an automatic sport-use rifle, and a combat shotgun. I know how to use each of these rather well. I also make sure that I only utilize a loaded gun as a last resort, and will not pull out a weapon without a good, legal reason to do so.

Do you have experience with handguns and / or other weapons:
Heckler & Koch Mark 23 Mod 0 (6 years, Civilian purchase), Colt Anaconda (8 years, Handed down from my father) Beretta Cx4 Storm (3 years, Sport Use), Heckler & Koch FABARM FP6 (1 year, Civilian Purchase)

Current employment: Systems Biology Research Group (UCSD)

Signature :FBI Office -  Weapon License [Application] FF602AAD0CC197A460770EA317113499

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FBI Office -  Weapon License [Application] Empty Weapon License application

Post by Kay Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:48 pm

Forename and Surname:Kay Sanyun

Address: 12 Palomino Creek

Phone Number: 1010237

Social Security Number: 619_22_3252

Check ID((Post a screenshot where you transfer 2000 dollars to an FBI member)):I will post it if i get accepted
Why are you applying to achieve a weapon license((150 words minimum)):

Im applying for weapon licenses for the following reasons,
First of all i used to own guns and to use them to, i was in a sharpshooting club, every sunday i was
at the sharpshooting club with my friends and we where shooting,
it was my hobby,so since im in Palomino creek i would like to continue my hobby.
The other reason is that i am thinking to join the police force , so it would be good to already have weapon licenses
so they can see tha i have experience with weapons,
even if i dont join the police , i will work as a security guard, i will need the licenses anyway.
Ofcurse i will never use a weapon against a human ,only if i need to defend my self or somebody else
so in very special situations,and this doesnt mean i will shoot.

State why we would accept your application((100 words minimum)):
My application should be accepted , because i have a lot of experience with weapons
and i know how to hadle them,i would never misuse a weapon.
With a weapon i will be apple to protect my self my friends and to avoid
crimes,if i can ,also it would help me a lot in the future if i want to
join the police force.
I will take care of my weapons and store them well,i will not pull a weapon out in public,
if i use my firearms then only in special situations.

Do you have experience with handguns and / or other weapons:
I have good experience with shootgun , deserd eagle, colt45, rifle
i used those weapons at the sharpshooting club

Current employment: Busdriver

Signature :Kay Sanyun

((I wish i could make a better application but my English is not so good sorry))

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FBI Office -  Weapon License [Application] Empty Re: FBI Office - Weapon License [Application]

Post by Nicolas Djordjevic Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:52 am

Kay wrote:Forename and Surname:Kay Sanyun

Address: 12 Palomino Creek

Phone Number: 1010237

Social Security Number: 619_22_3252

Check ID((Post a screenshot where you transfer 2000 dollars to an FBI member)):I will post it if i get accepted
Why are you applying to achieve a weapon license((150 words minimum)):

Im applying for weapon licenses for the following reasons,
First of all i used to own guns and to use them to, i was in a sharpshooting club, every sunday i was
at the sharpshooting club with my friends and we where shooting,
it was my hobby,so since im in Palomino creek i would like to continue my hobby.
The other reason is that i am thinking to join the police force , so it would be good to already have weapon licenses
so they can see tha i have experience with weapons,
even if i dont join the police , i will work as a security guard, i will need the licenses anyway.
Ofcurse i will never use a weapon against a human ,only if i need to defend my self or somebody else
so in very special situations,and this doesnt mean i will shoot.

State why we would accept your application((100 words minimum)):
My application should be accepted , because i have a lot of experience with weapons
and i know how to hadle them,i would never misuse a weapon.
With a weapon i will be apple to protect my self my friends and to avoid
crimes,if i can ,also it would help me a lot in the future if i want to
join the police force.
I will take care of my weapons and store them well,i will not pull a weapon out in public,
if i use my firearms then only in special situations.

Do you have experience with handguns and / or other weapons:
I have good experience with shootgun , deserd eagle, colt45, rifle
i used those weapons at the sharpshooting club

Current employment: Busdriver

Signature :Kay Sanyun

((I wish i could make a better application but my English is not so good sorry))
*cough* FBI doesn't exists anymore *cough*
Nicolas Djordjevic
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FBI Office -  Weapon License [Application] Empty Re: FBI Office - Weapon License [Application]

Post by Chris_Young05 Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:53 pm

Forename and Surname: Chris Young

Address: 17 Polomino Creek

Phone Number: 1010243

Social Security Number: 355-03-08

Check ID((Post a screenshot where you transfer 2000 dollars to an FBI member)): I will when it gets accepted.
Why are you applying to achieve a weapon license((150 words minimum)):
I'm applying to achieve a weapon license because I want to protect myself and my wife and family. This city is a really danger city and I need a weapon to protect myself but avoiding killing. if 5 guys come to me with their baseball bats, I'll take my gun out, and let them run away. I want applying also because I need a weapon to fight back the kidnappers, robbers and a lot of other danger people.

State why we would accept your application((100 words minimum)): I think you should accept my application because I have a family in my house, and I don't want anyone to take them from me. I need it to protect them and me from danger people in town. I have saw people shooting and killing in front of my eyes. I don't want to cause danger to my family.

Do you have experience with handguns and / or other weapons: Of Course.

Current employment: I'm delivering food

Signature : Chris Young

Last edited by Chris_Young05 on Fri Mar 18, 2011 11:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

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FBI Office -  Weapon License [Application] Empty Re: FBI Office - Weapon License [Application]

Post by Ariel Fri Mar 18, 2011 11:15 pm



You also failed on the ''CURRENT'' employment question. just saying.

-and- the Why are you applying question. :> You had 78 words. Not 150.


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FBI Office -  Weapon License [Application] Empty Re: FBI Office - Weapon License [Application]

Post by Chris_Young05 Fri Mar 18, 2011 11:46 pm



You also failed on the ''CURRENT'' employment question. just saying.

-and- the Why are you applying question. :> You had 78 words. Not 150.

(( Dude this is an IC thread, you fail. ))

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FBI Office -  Weapon License [Application] Empty Re: FBI Office - Weapon License [Application]

Post by Ariel Sat Mar 19, 2011 2:41 am

Dude, Im not a dude.

Your app. would have been denied anyways. xD..


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FBI Office -  Weapon License [Application] Empty Re: FBI Office - Weapon License [Application]

Post by Chris_Young05 Sat Mar 19, 2011 3:38 am

Ariel wrote:Dude, Im not a dude.

Your app. would have been denied anyways. xD..

(( You might get forumbanned for doing it, ITS A FUCKING IC THREAD! CAN'T YOU GET IT? ))

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FBI Office -  Weapon License [Application] Empty Re: FBI Office - Weapon License [Application]

Post by Guest Sat Mar 19, 2011 3:52 am

Ariel wrote:Dude, Im not a dude.

Your app. would have been denied anyways. xD..

Yeah , I dont know what is wrong with you . I know you dont like me , but I dont like you more . You have change A LOT when you become an admins , you abuse the admin power for fun and it is wrong .

Note : Let the person who in charge of giving licences makes the decision .


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FBI Office -  Weapon License [Application] Empty Re: FBI Office - Weapon License [Application]

Post by Chris_Young05 Sat Mar 19, 2011 3:55 am

RaidenDragneel wrote:
Ariel wrote:Dude, Im not a dude.

Your app. would have been denied anyways. xD..

Yeah , I dont know what is wrong with you . I know you dont like me , but I dont like you more . You have change A LOT when you become an admins , you abuse the admin power for fun and it is wrong .

Note : Let the person who in charge of giving licences makes the decision .

(( I agree with you ))

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FBI Office -  Weapon License [Application] Empty Re: FBI Office - Weapon License [Application]

Post by Simon Bourne Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:07 am

((Dont you guys need to check criminal record before handing over guns? Chris got arrested for assault on an officer, assault on a civilian , rape and kidnap.
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FBI Office -  Weapon License [Application] Empty Re: FBI Office - Weapon License [Application]

Post by Ariel Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:02 am

This is not an IC Topic, As there is no FBI. Thus.. Can someone please lock this topic?


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FBI Office -  Weapon License [Application] Empty Re: FBI Office - Weapon License [Application]

Post by Guest Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:35 am

The Sheriff Dept. can handle the licences . LOCK


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FBI Office -  Weapon License [Application] Empty Re: FBI Office - Weapon License [Application]

Post by Ariel Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:41 am

Did shin say the SD Were doing licenses? No.

Please -do- lock this topic. As with all FBI Topics. :>


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FBI Office -  Weapon License [Application] Empty Re: FBI Office - Weapon License [Application]

Post by Guest Sat Mar 19, 2011 6:12 am

Ariel wrote:Did shin say the SD Were doing licenses? No.

Please -do- lock this topic. As with all FBI Topics. :>

Did I said the SD is taking over ? No . I said the SD should take over the Weapon Licences . -.-

Note : Learn to read .


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FBI Office -  Weapon License [Application] Empty Re: FBI Office - Weapon License [Application]

Post by Chris_Young05 Sat Mar 19, 2011 7:05 am

M_Bourne wrote:((Dont you guys need to check criminal record before handing over guns? Chris got arrested for assault on an officer, assault on a civilian , rape and kidnap.

I don't have criminal record, maybe I did those stuff but didn't get arrested.

So my criminal record is clean.

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FBI Office -  Weapon License [Application] Empty Re: FBI Office - Weapon License [Application]

Post by Guest Sat Mar 19, 2011 7:09 am

Chris_Young05 wrote:
M_Bourne wrote:((Dont you guys need to check criminal record before handing over guns? Chris got arrested for assault on an officer, assault on a civilian , rape and kidnap.

I don't have criminal record, maybe I did those stuff but didn't get arrested.

So my criminal record is clean.

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FBI Office -  Weapon License [Application] Empty Re: FBI Office - Weapon License [Application]

Post by Ariel Sat Mar 19, 2011 8:08 am

Chris, If they have your name, You have a criminal record. gg.


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FBI Office -  Weapon License [Application] Empty Re: FBI Office - Weapon License [Application]

Post by Chris_Young05 Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:47 am

RaidenDragneel wrote:
Ariel wrote:Did shin say the SD Were doing licenses? No.

Please -do- lock this topic. As with all FBI Topics. :>

Did I said the SD is taking over ? No . I said the SD should take over the Weapon Licences . -.-

Note : Learn to read .


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FBI Office -  Weapon License [Application] Empty Re: FBI Office - Weapon License [Application]

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