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The Dark Brotherhood

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The Dark Brotherhood Empty The Dark Brotherhood

Post by Tommy Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:49 am

The Dark Brotherhood

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The ancient rolls

The Dark Brotherhood, is the era of an ancient Vampire clan that has existed for decades.
The Brotherhood was originally found in 1682 by a man called "Leugen Von Carlos" in Italy during the rumors of an "infected" world. The Clan was made to keep the vampire history living, and never to forget what their true nature is. The Brotherhood was also originally an family with true blood but when the clan grew they also gained recruits from the outside of the family. During the years that passed by, it also gained more than vampires within the clan, so called draculas. The draculas worshipped the vampires as they thought that they were an higher living of existance. The brotherhood also tricked a lot of the "living" to make an attempt to get embraced, but yet it was mostly an lie to feed their younglings within the family. To become an accepted vampire within the clan you have to be granted by your Sire, the Sire must also been an official member of the clan for 13 years to be granted the permission to let the embraced within the brotherhood.
The years passed by and the clan grew bigger and bigger and started to gain a lot of sub clans in various cities, towns, and villages all around the country. The clan has been kept secret since 1682, and during the 18th century the clan emigrated to the U.S, San Andreas ( though a lot of members are still scattered around the world). In the U.S, they met a lot of draculas, most of the draculas didn't even have a clue about the ancient history of the clan ( since, no one was aware of it's existance). Though, one vampire, called Tommy McHudgens which his Mother was an early member of the vampiric clan since the 17th century called Lisa Sindacco which married the american bussines man Carl McHudgens. As, they married, they also had two children called Tommy McHudgens, and Kent McHudgens. While the clan was still establishing in the U.S, families were grown, vampires mated with the living and therefor the genes was passed by to the children. As an naturall cause it's a 50 percent change that the children are vampires, and 50 percent change that they are living. When the vampires got married with the non-aware, the non-aware mostly didn't even have a clue that their husband/wife was an vampire. If, the children become an vampire they murdered the father/mother to feed the child, brutal as it sounds but that is the nature. As Carl didn't know that Lisa was an vampire, he was murdered... When Tommy grew up, he got more and more into The Dark Brotherhood and gained his reputation by sacrifising human beings, and making contact within the heads of the clan.
The Brotherhood scattered around the U.S , and veterans were placed out to embrace more human beings to the clan, and Tommy was one of them. He was placed in Los Santos, San Andreas with an duty to embrace and gain more vampires within the clan.

The Dark Brotherhood in San Andreas

Chapter 1 - Arrival
It was a late afternoon in Los Santos, and a small boat was spotted in the far sight of East Beach.
The boat's sail, was not as original as they use to, it had an red hand on, like the hand had been smashed into the sail.
One man was standing in the front deck, Tommy McHudgens, and was waiting to dock at the beach. He jumped of the boat and quickly anchored . He grabbed his equipment, his large sack of items and frames while he stared among the beach((There was no large roads in LS during the 19th century)). He did not know if he arrived at the place he expected, and he quickly walked up to dry land to scout the area. No one was in sight, so he continued walking down the road, thirstoy as he had not fed for over a week. He soon arrived in town, establishing himself and avoiding to let the beast out of him. He came to Downtown, which was the central Los Santos at that time and the biggest area ((No skyscrapers, no massive buildings, just houses and bussines buildings)).
As it seemed, there was an public execution going on, yet he did not know why so he approached the crowded area to have a better sight. There, he saw a man strapped to a giliton, and he were shouting ..he were shouting "I will feast on you, you will not stop me!!!". Tommy was stunned by the words he shouted, and yet he had just arrived to Los Santos, was he a vampire? He went even closer, staring at the man in the giljotin, his face was normally tanned and his eyes were white and coloured as a living. He was not an vampire, but why did he say those words? He must've been crazy... And then, the blade fell.
Tommy walked down the road , to the end of Downtown and walked into an Inn. He spoke to the Innkeeper and gained a key to a room were he would settle down for the following weeks.
Yet , he were thirsty...
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Chapter 2
Wolf, Akane and Nightsaber.

During the years passing by, the cities grew stronger and no signs of vampirism was seen for a long time. Tommy, thought that Los Santos was an city of the disgraced, an city, without his true nature. He fed on blood, fresh blood and human beings. Yet he haven't found any being that was worth to be embraced, and suddenly it was the beginning of the 21th century. Tommy moved out in the county, to Palomino creek, to try his luck there. Soon after his arrival he met a man, a man in the alleys, with not supposibly regulair powers as the living - Akane the Kindred. It didn't take long untill Tommy had recruited his first two Servants - Wolf and Nightsaber.
Recruiting Max, aka Nightsaber wasn't as Tommy had expected. Max had an huge self confidence and wasn't afraid of speaking, even though his respect for his Elder was massive. Max was an important base in the faction and for weeks he had been assisting Tommy about gathering information about other vampiric clans, kinds, and guilds. A couple of weeks later, Tommy met David, Wolf. The recruitment of David wasn't the same as Max - David had to perform a Ritual of Sacrifation. The ritual of sacrifation had to be done with the brotherhood's dagger. Literally The brotherhood's sign had to be carved on Davids back, a proof of loyalty. He did not deny the request, and was soon integrated as an Servant. Tasks were given to the 2 members, that yet was the most important base in The brotherhoods history in San Andreas.


((IC Tablet Rules))
1.You must never forget your true nature
2.You must never betray your family
3.You must follow the orders of your elder and any vampiric rank above you.
4.Never betray the vampire era
5.You may not reveal our clan for the living
6.You may not bring un-aware's to the nest without permission from the elders, or if he isn't embraced.

((1. Do not run around saying "The dark brotherhood looking for vampire members" recruitment is followed by the Council/Noble's only))
((2.Do not abuse your ranks rights doing so will be followed by demotion))
((3.Do NOT abuse your vampire powers, doing so will be followed by a kick/demotion, that is also an server rule))

The Brotherhood Ranking system
Elder - The highest ranked member within the clan, he's an long living vampire and wise enough to be in that position.

The Council - Only 3 members are allowed to posses an place within the council, they will be called "Council veteran" and they are assisting the elder within decisions an recruitment.

The Noble's - 3 Members are allowed to posess this rank, they are assisting The Council but in a lower grade, they can recruit but not make decisions such as re-writing rules within the clan.

Chosen - An unlimited amount can achieve this rank, though, it will be hard since an high amount of sacrifisations is required and also an long time within the brotherhood.

Enforcers - The vampires that have achieved this rank have been serving within the brotherhood for an long time, and thye have proven that they are mature for their nature.

Servant - An "regular" member within the brotherhood, you must've embraced atleast 2 human beings to achieve it and served the clan for an longer period.

Outsiders - Have yet not proven their true nature and haven't been officialy invited to the brotherhood, they are not as respected as the Servants and above.

Dracula's - Not an member within the clan. Human beings that are willing to be embraced within the clan, make the right decisions at this rank or you may be banned from the clan.

How to join
((Joining the Clan, is completly IC'ly . Mostly you have to be found, and you do not find us. We have noble's and council members scattered around San Andreas to gain as much as information possible, and make contact with possible dracula's and even so, vampires. If you're an vampire the best thing you can do is to actually be youreself. What I mean with "being youreself" is to actually roleplay as an real vampire, we will notice it IC and OOC if and therefor make contact with you. As it is hard to be noticed as an vampire in character you can simply make /do's and /me's such as /do My skin is being darkened rapidly. Though that system isn't official yet but anyhow that can give a sign by vampires that you are who you are. Also, of course if you're an cattle you might be embraced, than it is your choice.))

Where can we be found
((Even though recruitment is IC, you can still find us in the game, simple as it is we are everywhere. We do not have a current nest but in the future that will be our main headquarter. We are being found on the streets, various public areas to pretend to be the living and therefor make our recruitment easier. ))


The clan isn't using any official skins or clothings yet that you may not pick the Elder's skin ((294)).

Other Notes

((Yes I do know the name and the icon is from Oblivion, so what though? It's an fitting name and icon.))

((Page to be updated))[b][i][center]

Last edited by Tommy on Wed Dec 22, 2010 12:28 am; edited 8 times in total

Posts : 241
Join date : 2010-12-19

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The Dark Brotherhood Empty Re: The Dark Brotherhood

Post by Operetta Sun Dec 19, 2010 2:03 am

Looking good, good luck.

Posts : 774
Join date : 2010-11-14


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The Dark Brotherhood Empty Re: The Dark Brotherhood

Post by Tommy Sun Dec 19, 2010 2:05 am

Thank you, I just updated a small notice that the children aren't born as vampires, they are instantly embraced though.

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The Dark Brotherhood Empty Re: The Dark Brotherhood

Post by Caleb Simms Sun Dec 19, 2010 2:30 am

I like it, good luck.
Caleb Simms
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The Dark Brotherhood Empty Re: The Dark Brotherhood

Post by Guest Sun Dec 19, 2010 4:03 am

Good luck . lol!


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The Dark Brotherhood Empty Re: The Dark Brotherhood

Post by besterich27 Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:37 am

Good Luck.


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The Dark Brotherhood Empty Re: The Dark Brotherhood

Post by Infinity[Markus] Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:36 pm

I know you're capable of leading a faction, good luck and have fun!

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The Dark Brotherhood Empty Re: The Dark Brotherhood

Post by besterich27 Mon Dec 20, 2010 9:08 pm

Have FUN again!!!!!!! xD Hope you will find the: Ancelotti Clan IG, and RP with us :I


NO Offense, btw

Last edited by besterich27 on Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:19 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : WOAH!!!)


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The Dark Brotherhood Empty Re: The Dark Brotherhood

Post by Tommy Mon Dec 20, 2010 9:09 pm

Smile Thank you guys for your support. We're not having a lot of recruits though.

Chapter 2 added, a bit late on the update though Chapter 3 will be up tomorrow!

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The Dark Brotherhood Empty Re: The Dark Brotherhood

Post by Shin Takeshi Wed Dec 22, 2010 10:14 am

No posting anything offensive about other people's clans, or I'll delete the post. IF you have a complaint, we have a report players section.
Shin Takeshi
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The Dark Brotherhood Empty Re: The Dark Brotherhood

Post by Tommy Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:52 pm

Faction is dead / closed you can lock /bin this thread.

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The Dark Brotherhood Empty Re: The Dark Brotherhood

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