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RP attacks + House robberies RP guide

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RP attacks + House robberies RP guide Empty RP attacks + House robberies RP guide

Post by Guest Sun Mar 27, 2011 3:18 pm

Well, I just had some thoughts. scratch

Already been said. I hate just standing, talking to someone in front of a bank and suddenly a wolf, vampire or whatever jumps from some roof and tries to RPK me for no reason.
I can't stand it, especially you, Drake Grim. Stop eating peoples necks and Adams apples and be manly enough to attack people who attack you, instead of people who never did anything to you, like priests, for starts.......

No one likes overkill on their char. Even worse is when a person is overkilled for nor reason, as stated above, 'RP DM". It is always better to let the person just barley survive instead of kicking them, hitting them, and batting them to death for no reason other than a robbery YOU MADE and that the victim totally Complied! This happened to me, and trust me, when it happens to you you will agree with me.

RP Actions VS Conscience:
Please remember that you and your char should have a conscience. Killing a a armed gangster whos trigger happy should give you pride. But killing a defenseless person who just wants to get to the bank....that's stone cold heartbreaking. This is also linked with Overkill above. Feel passion in your roleplays, or it will be as boring as hell for everyone else.
If you have knocked out a defenseless person, please, for the sake of his roleplay experience, don't bore him out with a overkill by keeping on attacking the unconscious body. That just sucks. Do your damage and leave him to slowly wake up afterwards, when your gone. He'll still forget you. Don't fuss on that.

affraid Counter attempts: affraid
Please remember that in real life, even a acrobat can attempt to pounce someone and accidentally hits her head into the wall in front of the person, however fast or strong he/she is. With this said, if a attempt from Person A is done on person B, and person B tries to counter that first attempt with a second attempt, I believe that Person B has every right to /coin his action.

House Robberies:
If your going to rob a house, do some things FIRST:
>See if the fucking owner is not AFK for one thing. I had a person attack and burn my house while I wasn't even ONLINE as the house owner. That's fucked up.
>Please, don't burn the house. Its not necessary. It will only increase your jail time if caught, and theres a rule against terrorism RP, AND that it's not very realistic to set a stone house on fire...
>Please, ask the owners permission OOCly on the damage you will do. Some things are fine and some things are god damned unacceptable.
>It is best to PM the owner of the house to be present OOCly in the house to answer what you find. Most people don't keep script things in their houses, making script robberies useless.
>With owner with you OOCly to answer your /mes and /dos in the house, please, for the sake of God, don't do "/me searches the house. What do I find?"
That only shows how incapable of RP you are.
You must search everything one by one, and the owner will tell you what to find in each container ect. You will, naturally, find a lot of useless stuff, interesting stuff and maby some treasure too this way, and will be fun for both the robber and the owner of the house which is being robbed.

House Robbery with inhabitants:
If there is a person in the house when your braking in, keep in mind what any robber would think.
>I'm in this house, and I want to steal something valuable without being caught. Will I really go up to the person and kill him to just rob the house and leave?
Chances are you would not even dare. If you do, however, just make him unconscious, and don't script kill him, so he can fucking answer your /dos. Killing him cause you found nothing in the house is counted as OOC rage being put IC, which is NOT acceptable.
Remember, house robberies MUST BE DONE COMPLETELY RPly. If your only interested in the glitchy cash store in that house, then your very mistaken. You will go in RPly, rob RP objects RPly and leave with RP OBJECTS that you can use RPly.

And setting the house on fire when the owner is afk/when the owner is not online isn't very fair...
I think setting houses on fire should be disallowed. My house has been burnt three times, and they never, EVER, had a reason to burn it down.

Last edited by The Constipator on Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:11 pm; edited 1 time in total


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RP attacks + House robberies RP guide Empty Re: RP attacks + House robberies RP guide

Post by Anthony_Weber Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:03 pm

/agree EPICLY


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RP attacks + House robberies RP guide Empty Re: RP attacks + House robberies RP guide

Post by Sam Andersun Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:07 pm

AGREE Jenny Jawline flooded my house when I was OFFLINE. I was like: -.-" Thats all I can say without flamming.
Sam Andersun
Sam Andersun

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RP attacks + House robberies RP guide Empty Re: RP attacks + House robberies RP guide

Post by Ellie_Three Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:10 pm

I agree, I want to add two things though.

1. Dont always rp to win, rp for the fun of the story. We know your a self proclaimed Bad Ass Vampire. We know that you love your vamp strength rank X. But that does not mean that every rp fight you get in you have to automatically go for your best attack. Where is the fun in that? Why not toy with the human for awhile? Why not exchange blows with them for awhile before going directly to trying to slice their neck. When I see vampires and werewolves going up to someone and the first thing that they do is vamp str throws them into the wall, vamp str slices their neck. Thats boring, and tbh its power gaming.

Consider this, when you attack someone aiming towards their neck at a vamp speed or vamp rank would you say that it is impossible for a human to avoid it or move behind something in time? Most vampires/werewolves on this server are under the impression that because they are vamps/werewolves that they should automatically get a /do S on everything that they attempt to do which is not the case. In my opinion just because you are faster than someone does not mean that you can always be successful in attacking them.

2. Stop being so trigger happy with your powers. If you vamp str someone into the air with one hand and toss them into the ground like a garbage bag, then people are gonna know something is up with you.

again /support btw.
Elite Cake
Elite Cake

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RP attacks + House robberies RP guide Empty Re: RP attacks + House robberies RP guide

Post by Guest Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:15 pm


If you've vampirebitten someone, or used your abilities against a victim, do NOT RPK/CK him just cause you used your powers on him! Covering it up is not valid reason to kill someone. Knocking him out is enough. As I stated before, Overkill is not acceptable.


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