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Weapon License - Stefano Bontade

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Weapon License - Stefano Bontade Empty Weapon License - Stefano Bontade

Post by Fogry Fri Apr 08, 2011 2:49 am

Forename and Surname: Stefano Bontade

Address: N/A

Phone Number: 1010342

Social Security Number:

Check ID((Post a screenshot where you transfer 2000 dollars to an FBI member))Sad( Will be posted later after getting the license.))
Why are you applying to achieve a weapon license((150 words minimum)): I work as a guard of Nightclub and i have to walk more than 2 miles to go home, while walking this way i get robbed twice and i dont want this to happend again. And my life is sometimes in danger after a fight at the nightclub cause its full with criminals which come to the club. And if a fight start i have to stop them this mean to "kick" them out of the club, this mean that they will come and want payback so i need the weapon license to protect myself.

State why we would accept your application((100 words minimum)): I wont harm anyone unless he`s tring to kill me. In other ways i will just keep the gun in my House locked so if someone tryes to break in and rob me i will take it out and protect my property. I wont keep the gun in myself when i`m on public places its just insurense that i wont get killed from the burglars.

Do you have experience with handguns and / or other weapons: Yes, i have experience with handguns and rifles.

Current employment: Bodyguard

Signature : Bontade, Stefano

Posts : 78
Join date : 2011-04-05
Age : 27
Location : Bulgaria

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Weapon License - Stefano Bontade Empty Re: Weapon License - Stefano Bontade

Post by ArielV Fri Apr 08, 2011 6:14 am

Dear Mr.Bontade,

Your firearms license has been denied due to you not meeting the required word minimum.

- Under-Sheriff Ariel Virai.


Posts : 962
Join date : 2011-03-28
Age : 30
Location : A Treehouse.

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