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**Weapon Apllication of Stefano Bontade*

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**Weapon Apllication of Stefano Bontade* Empty **Weapon Apllication of Stefano Bontade*

Post by Fogry Sat Apr 16, 2011 3:21 pm

Forename and Surname: Stefano Bontade

Address: Palmino Creek 9

Phone Number: 1010342

Social Security Number: 94-20-14

Check ID((Post a screenshot where you transfer 2000 dollars to an FBI member))Sad(Will be posted when i get the gun application.))
Why are you applying to achieve a weapon license((150 words minimum)):
When i arived in Palmino Creek i thouth this will be a litle city with no problems. But after a week in the city i realized that this place is full with gangsters which are robbing the peoples while walking around the street and killing allmost insocent peoples. Infact after 2 weeks i get robbed by Black guys with green rags on there faces. They put a gun to my face and told me that they will kill me if i dont give them my money. This Rebbery was the first one of my problems. After 1 mouth i buyed a car. One night the car alarm turned on. When i went outside my whole car was broken and there was a note saying "Welcome in Palmino Creek." after this i went to the Sherife deppartent and they told me that they cant do anything and i shoud get a weapon license so i can protect my house my car and myself.

State why we would accept your application((100 words minimum)):
Since when i have been told to get weapon license so i can keep myself and my property i thouth that it whoud be good to be accepted. Infact i dont have crime record and i think to do get involved into crimes. I`ll use the weapon only if my life is in danger and wont take the weapon out of my house i will keep it locked into my locker so no one will be able to get it. I know how to shot and i know where to shot so the man standing infront of wont Die even if he try to kill me or so. So i will ask you to accept my application for Weapon License.

Do you have experience with handguns and / or other weapons:
Yes, i have experience with:
Beretta m107 sniper rifle
Beretta 92 combat
All the experience is from the Army.

Current employment: Fisherman

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Posts : 78
Join date : 2011-04-05
Age : 27
Location : Bulgaria

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**Weapon Apllication of Stefano Bontade* Empty Re: **Weapon Apllication of Stefano Bontade*

Post by Luna Kinneas Sun Apr 17, 2011 6:58 pm

RCSD, Red County Sheriffs Department
PO Box 90, Dillimore, San Andreas.

Stefano Bontade
9 Palomino Creek, San Andreas.

**Weapon Apllication of Stefano Bontade* 2akh5rq

Dear Mr.Bontade,

We would like to inform you that your weapon licenses apply has been

. Please go to our main office at PO Box 90, Dillimore, SA to get

your licenses.

Captain Yoko Valentine
Luna Kinneas
Luna Kinneas
The Camarilla
The Camarilla

Posts : 101
Join date : 2011-01-03
Age : 29
Location : In middle of nowhere.

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