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Application:James Collins.

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Application:James Collins. Empty Application:James Collins.

Post by RoLeX Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:01 am

In Character

First Name: James

Last Name: Collins


Race: Human

Date of Birth: 11/6/1982

Place of Birth:Miami, America

Current active address: Palamino Creek 26

Available phone number(s): 1010315

Education: Haward University, Junior Highway, Whiteranger bayside

Are you currently in occupation?: None
If yes, what is your current occupation?: None

Have you had any previous occupations?:Yes.
If yes, what were your previous occupations?: I was in the Sheriff Department.

Do you own a current valid driver license?:Yes
If yes, has it ever been suspended?:No.

Do you posses any knowledge or experience in the law enforcement area?: I worked in the Sheriff Department.
Have you ever been arrested?:No.
If yes for what charges/crimes?:

Have you ever served time in prison?:No.
If yes for what charges/crimes?:

Biography: My name is James and last name is Collins...
I'm from England - and I am 28 years old...
I have 2 more brothers... One is bigger than me and one is younger then me...
My big brother's name is Felipe Collins, he is 5 years older then me...
He has a wife and she 30 years old... Her name is Nikole...
They have 1 kid and his name is Felix... He is 6 months old...
When my brother and Nikole decided they want to get married they were searching for somewhere nice and clean...
When they decided where they want to get married, they planned everything but in the end they figured out that they don't have that kind of money.
So I volunteered to help them get the money.
I started working at the pizza place near the beach where my friend from the army was the menager of. We served in a special Unit.
We wanted to join it because when my brother was in this unit he told us a lot about it. Plus when you get out of this unit after 3 years you get 30,000 Dollars.
We had to pass a lot of tests to get in this unit. I think it was like 21 tests. After we passed 14 from the tests in the 15 tests we needed to catch 4 men alone.
Me and my friend passed it but to get them we needed to run 9 kilometers to catch them. The only eqiupment we has to catch them was a nightstick and hand cuffes.
When I almost got him one time he punched me in the face when I wanted to take out handcuffs. So when I finely caught him in the 9th Kilometers I punched him in the face with the nightstick and then took out handcuffs.
After that we needed to pass 6 more tests. In the 21 test, which is the most important test I failed. And because of that I didn't get to be in the unit.
After the Commander told me that I didn't passed the test and I can't join the unit Something happened. Someone kidneped the Chief of this unit.
When they finely found where he was hidden everybody went to this location. But I didn't, it was the wrong location. I took the location that they thought he was there and I saw it was a face location.
So I hacked it and I found the real location. I told the commander in the radio that it is the wrong location and I know the real location he thought I was lieing. So I went there my self.
When I got there I took some pictures of the kidnaper. Then I send it to the commander of the unit with the location of where I am.
When they came to the right location we pland how to get him. They where 4 men with heavy guns, 2 guerding the chief and 4 guerding the place. So first of all we took a sliping gas from the car and then we forced the 4 guerds to breath.
Then we shoot the 4 men that had the heavy guns in thier lags and then we rushed in the place.
After we rescued the chief and we took him to the base where he would be safe. Then we called a doctor so he could tell us if he is hurt or something.
The doctor said he is fine. After three days the chief told me he want to give me a recommandation for what I did and because of that I got to be in the unit.
I was in this unit for 5 years. I asked my friend if I can work in his restaurant and he agreed. I was the deliver chef.
After 2 weaks as a chef one day I saw two men that tried to rob the toy store in the other streat of the pizza.
So I called the police and I took a gun from the hidden place in the pizza. That we have it there for self defence.
I had a gun license from the unit that the chief gave me. Then I went out to get some pictures of them trying to rob the toy store with my phone.
I tried to stop them and keep them busy untill the cops will come.
After I took the pictures of them trying to steal the money from the toy store, I took the gun and I told them to put thier hands up or I will shot.
So we started a gun shoot in the middle of the street, after a while the police came and got them arrested.
The Chief was so happy that he gave me the money back for the damege that the robber did to the pizza place and thay gave me money for getting one of the most daingers criminals that the police tried to catch for years.
After that I went to my brother and gave him the money that he needed to get merried.
After a weak the chief of police called me to ask me if I want to join the police force but I needed to pass some tests. I told him that I will thing about it.
When I called him back I told him that I want to join the police force.
I was in the police force for 8 years. I got to be a very good police officer.
My little brother Cruz is 25 years old.
He lives with a partner. Every mounth they pay both 2,000$ Dollars so they will have the apartment.
My littlle brother almost got married, but in the end he didn't because the woman he wanted to get marry with wanted to live in Russia.
He wanted to marry with a woman in age 24 years old.
Hir name was Crussia. They didn't got married because they got in a fight about something.
He was very sad for like a month but he got over it.
He always wanted to have a family with 3 kids two of them will be boys and one girl.
He wanted to call them Nadia, Danny and Josh.
My mother is now 52 years old. My father is now 54 years old.
They are very happy together. They want to be together for thier rest of their lifes.
I came from South-England but I came here to SF - San Fierro to start everything from the beginning.
I want to start a family. I want to married to a beautiful girl and have 2 children.
When I came here I bought a big house from my money I got from the police.
I bought three cars and now I want to fined a woman and marry her.
When I passed all my tests to be a police officer. My first patrol was with a guy called Loey.
He was my patrol partner for 5 years. He worked at the police before me. He worked in the police for 14 years.
He was a great partner. As much as the years passed by I got better and better as a police officer.
When I finely got to be a high rank in the police. The chief of police did tests for units. I wanted to be in the air support unit.
But I wasn't the only one who wanted. There were 9 more police officers that wanted to be in the air support unit.
In the end I was the one who got to lead this unit. After a few years of being a air support leader I got promoted to a higher rank by the chief of police.
I got promoted because one day when I was patroling with my friend with a helicopter. The bank alarm turned on. After 30 seconds we were on top of the bank.
The alarm got turned on because some men with heavy guns with 2 black cars robbed the bank. So we started searching for them.
After 5 minutes me and my partner found them with the helicopter. We told in the radio the location of the robbers and the police came.
When the police came the robbers got in thier cars and started driving. They went out side of the city, where a helicopter was waiting for them.
The robbers got in the helicopter and me and my partner were the only ones who could arrest them. So we followed them.
After 3 hours of following them they land on a big house. Me and my friend landed a lit bit back from where the robbers landed.
They were 5 men with heavy weapons. Me and my friend had also heavy weapons. Me and my friend went back to the helicopter and went to land on the top of the house.
We watched them taking out the money fromt he helicopter. Each of us took a deagle, M4 and put it on our back, Sniper in our hands, MP5 in our bag, knife in the belt, 3 handcuffs in our belt, armor, radio and thats it.
Me and my friend took some pictures of the robbers. Me and my partner started going closer to them and if we see someone we take him somewhere that nobody see them and then kick there face so they would faint.
After that they were only 3 men left. So me and my partner took M4 and Told them to put thier hands up or we will shot. One of them didn't had weapons and the other two had MP5.
They started shoting at us so we took a place to hide then we took out a sniper and told them it's thier last warn.
They kept shoting at us so we shot them in the lag so they would put thier weapons down. Then we arrested everyone there and waited untill the back up will come.
After they took them I got promoted to a higher rank and got recommanded by the Chief of police, Chief of the F.B.I, Chief of the Sheriff and I got recommanded by the Chief of the specail unit I was.
My father served in the army for 24 years. He was the chief of the special unit I wanted to be in.
He went to this unit because he liked the action and he needed the money. When you get out of the army you get money. But in this unit you get the most money you could get from serving in the army.
He liked it so much that after the 3 years he kept serving in this unit for more 21 years.
Every 3 years of sevring in this unit my dad got promoted in one rank. When he got to be a commander his chief wanted to quit and give my dad to be the chief.
But the rules are that you can't give someone to be a chief without a reason. So my dad had to do something big so he could get the highest rank as a chief.
Because of that my dad hasn't been at home for a long time for a day. He went to work from 3 in the morning and came back in 11 at night.
He came home 3 times in a week. He went to the army base just so the chief could see that he is very seriouse about his job in the army. But it wasn't enough, he had to do something big to get that job.
When my father thought about what he could do to get that job he thought about a very good plan. His idea was to do more exercise to the unit and get them to be profesional at their work.
My dad taught them how to catch 5 criminals at the same time even if each of them had heavy guns.
He taught them how to get criminals in a car, how to act like a criminal so they could be undercover and no one would find out.
I taught them everything they needed to know about being in this special unit.
And because of that he was one of the three men that maybe be the next chief.
The only three men that are in the list will do the 5 tests.
My father did the tests because he was one of the three first people in the list of being the next chief.
The three tests were easy but the last two tests were harder,
My dad passed the four tests and also somebody else. They were only two left.
My dad passed the last test and the other competitor also passed it.
But because my father was the one who comeplited the test in a very little time he got to be the chief.
My father was the chief of the special unit for 9 years. When my father finely quited the job he got 700,000 Dollars.
Because of my father I wanted to join this unit. He told me so much things about it and he taught me all about hir.
How to do things when to do them why to do them and more.
My mom works in the hospital in San Fierro. She is one of the best doctors in the country.
She learned to be a doctor in the best school the whole world. After she graduated from this school, she went to learn more in the best university in the whole world.
When she finished learning in the university she got recommanded by the manager of the university.
She started searching for a job as a doctor she found a place to work as a doctor but for kids.
Even when she was a kids doctor she searched a place to be a doctor in a big hospital and for grownups.
She found a job in the biggest hospital in the country but only to be a substitute and not a main doctor.
After 3 years as being a substitute doctor one day a person came into the hospital with a lot of blood.
The doctors told the person he is going to die and nothing could save him.
But my mom told them that their is a one surgery that could save him.
The doctors told my mom that it wont help him. But my mom was sure it could help him, so she went to the chief of the hospital and she told him all about that.
the chief told my mom that she could do this surgery. After she told the patient about the surgery he accepted that surgery.
He told her that he wants her to do the surgery and my mom agreed.
After she did the surgery and she succeed the chief promoted her to a main doctor in the hospital.
After 25 years as working in this hospital she is now an under chief

Out of Character

Age: 13
Country: Israel

Server nickname:James Collins

Past characters and factions: Sheriff Department.

How long have you been a member of this server?: Two Month

Have you ever been banned from this server (if yes, why)?:No.

Why do you wish to join this faction?: I would like to join the Sheriff Department because of It's RP, I have found this faction the most active and fun, from the others, and he's the only legal one, It'll be a great pleasure to join the SD because of the action, RP, and when It's perfectly fits to the server.

Do you posses any law enforcement knowledge or role play experience?: Yes.
Have you read the application rules?: Yes.
Any other comments: None.

Role Play

Explain what is role play and its basics:Roleplay is an act game, you need to build a character with your own name not famous, and creative name, and you need to build his career, within criminal enforcer or whatever you choose.
Explain what is meta game and give two different examples: 1.MetaGaming - Mixing ooc in ic, MG Thats someone rob you or something and you call to your friend on the pm and tell to him your location.

2.Metagaming/MG/Mixing ooc in ic/use OOC things IC:its like i walk on the street and i see someone stand on gas station so i look at his tag name, and on his tag name wirte James_Sutherland
so i say on icly chat: Wassup james, i know hes name just becouse i read his tag name, and if someone try to rob me and i call to freind on pm/vent/TS.

Explain what is power game and give two different examples: 1.Powergaming is doing something that isn't realistic like jumping from the roof and ladnding without any injury or standing or a driving car or taking a shoutgun from the jacket, it's just some examples for PG(Powergaming). Isn't allowed.
Examples: 1)/Me takes out M1A4 from his waist. You can't do it it's wrong, in our real life you can't do it.
2)Jumping from the roof and landing without /crack or /fall, in our real life you'll falling, trust me.
3)If you got shooted and you continue to walk without doing /crack, you must RPing at necessary.
4)If you have a serious accident on the road, and you continue to drive without get injured or something like that IC'ly.

2. PowerGamins thats you think you superman Thats like you do /me jump from the tower and don't died.

Explain what is "gun from ass": Pulling out a weapon without any /ME commands, in other words, scrolling.

Give an example of a good detailed role play /me: /me drops his bag from his back bends down, unzips, takes out Weapon/Heavy weapon from his bag.

Give an example of a bad role play /me: /me takes out Rocket Luncher From his ass and start to kill the world.

Last edited by RoLeX on Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:07 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Mistake)


Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-06-10

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Application:James Collins. Empty Re: Application:James Collins.

Post by Collins Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:06 am

Mr. Collins, I've enjoied reading your application, and I'm glad to inform that you have successfully passed the first stage, we'll contact you.
Sheriff's Department
Sheriff's Department

Posts : 65
Join date : 2011-06-07
Age : 36
Location : Tel Aviv, Israel.

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Application:James Collins. Empty Re: Application:James Collins.

Post by Victor_Jankowski Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:50 am

(( Isn't that the guy who shot Caleb.... ))
Sheriff's Department
Sheriff's Department

Posts : 531
Join date : 2011-04-04
Age : 30
Location : In the 5th Hell.

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Application:James Collins. Empty Re: Application:James Collins.

Post by Caleb Simms Fri Jul 15, 2011 1:03 am

(( Uh no? ))
Caleb Simms
Caleb Simms
Sheriff's Department
Sheriff's Department

Posts : 385
Join date : 2010-12-10
Age : 29
Location : Caribbean St.Vincent and the Grenadines

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