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James Theron, SD Application.

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James Theron, SD Application. Empty James Theron, SD Application.

Post by Nicolas Djordjevic Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:36 pm

In Character

Full name: James Theron.

Gender: Male

Race: American, White.

Date of Birth: February, 10. 1982

Place of Birth: San Fiero, USA.

Current active address: Palomino Creek 32

Available phone number(s): 1010677

Education: De Anza High School, University of San Fiero - School of Law.

Are you currently in occupation?: No, I'm not.
If yes, what is your current occupation?: /

Have you had any previous occupations?: No, I haven't.
If yes, what were your previous occupations?: /

Do you own a current valid driver license?: Yes, I do.
If yes, has it ever been suspended?: /

Do you posses any knowledge or experience in the law enforcement area?: Yes, I do.
Have you ever been arrested?: No, I haven't.
If yes for what charges/crimes?: /

Have you ever served time in prison?: No.
If yes for what charges/crimes?: /

Biography (Must be over 200 words):

I was born in California, in city of San Fiero. After finishing De Anza High School I immediately signed up for Law University due my enthusiasm for Law and Order. As a Teenager I was hoping to join San Fiero Police Station, but due my father's death in 1994 my family moved to Palomino Creek, unfortunately I stayed in San Fiero to finish my High School and join the University. After finishing University I tried to find a proper job. Sadly, my mother died and it took me some time to calm myself and move into Palomino Creek, start living with my brother. I don't like the look of this place, at least not by it criminal record which is obviously too damn high. Every day I'm able to see at least mirror crime going on, speeding, illegal parkings, not respecting traffic lights, etc. Therefor I'm applying to use my University and High School skills and help to lower the current Palomino's criminal record, work my job properly if I manage to get this application accepted, of course. Also to mention that I'm having some minor experience in weapons. I know not only how to use it, but weapon's design. My father was a police officer, probably the reason why I am following the path of the Law.

Out of Character

Age: 15
First Name: Nikola
Last Name (Not required to answer): Djordjevic
Country: Serbia
Do you have a working microphone?: I do, but I don't use it.
Do you have Skype or Teamspeak installed? I do, but I don't use it either.

Your server nickname: Nicolas?

Past characters and factions: Kastor, a Fegarri member. Dwayne Jones, GSF.

How long have you been a member of this server?: Since the end of January.

Have you ever been banned from this server (if yes, why)?: Yep, twice. Once for spamming /g. Well basically a dude posted a IP address of the server and I tried to act White Prince. Oh well I got a hammer. And second time when I slapped Aless with dildo Walker gave me, by the system.

Why do you wish to join this faction?: It's inactive and I'm bored. I honestly want to RP something because I really got fed of just driving around with Nicolas... Well I wish I could help this faction anyhow, oh and of course! Nick's there, I can't live without him.
Have you ever played on any other role play servers (if yes, which)?: Zorp, RLRP or something, and uhm... I forgot the name.. It was on L or something.
Do you posses any law enforcement knowledge or role play experience?: According to what I've seen other officers Rping, y eah sure.
Have you read the application rules?: Uh-huh.
Any other comments: Oh have I mentioned that James is like... Not over level 6. I hope that's okay cause.. erm.. Nic and Kastor are like.. 10+ or so. And ofc Nick is awesome.

Role Play

Explain what is role play and its basics: It's like.. Roleplay, you RP your character, do stuff with him... In VHRP , if you're human you go and RP human stuff, aka IRL crap. Vampires and Garous.. oh well they are different.
Explain what is meta game and give two different examples: Mixing OOC info with IC.

E.g. number one : /b oh hai der my char's name is vath!, *Random Guy passes by* Random Guy: Oh hi Vath how is going. (( Metagame.. Why? He found out his name OOC, not ICly.))
E.g number two : /b I have... A Chewing GUM in my right pocket! *Random guy comes* Random Guy: Oh hey Vath give me the gum from your pocket dude! (( Uh.. Metagame...))
Explain what is power game and give two different examples: It's like... RPing the powers you don't posses, Like uhm, flying and stuff.
E.g. number one : *Nicolas... uhm... Flies to the moon* (( Yep, he's vamp.. But no he can't do that all alone without any NASA rocket or something ))
E.g. number two : *Vlad looks at Nic, and Nic dies due EEEYE FEEAR* (( Erm, Kinda PG. or just my mind )
Explain what is "gun from ass": Basically it's when you scroll your M4 or any other heavy gun and shoot the crap out of someone... Cool way to PG and unfairly win.

Explain what is "RP to win" and give two different examples: Roleplaying every action as success... If you wanna be winner, RP to win.

Give an example of a good detailed role play /me: /me takes off his hat and throws it on the sidewalk to look baddass. /do The hat gets thrown away by the wind.. and hits Sean in the head, and he starts making plans for murdering Vath who threw down the hat.

Give an example of a bad role play /me:
/me is human trolololol

Last edited by Nicolas on Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:40 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Not level 6.)
Nicolas Djordjevic
Nicolas Djordjevic
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Join date : 2011-02-05
Age : 28
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James Theron, SD Application. Empty Re: James Theron, SD Application.

Post by Nero Fri Oct 28, 2011 9:00 pm

Dear Mr Theron,

I'm happy to inform you that your application has been accepted.
Please head down to the Dillimore station for an interveiw.
Thank You.

Under Sheriff,
Michael Corvin,
Unit 41-62.

(( I accepted it, altho' you're not lvl 6, but I we're lacking good RPers, and you sure are one. ))

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