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Weapon License application - Steven Alderman

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Weapon License application - Steven Alderman  Empty Weapon License application - Steven Alderman

Post by Peter Greenson Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:14 am

Forename and Surname: Steven Alderman
Age: 31
Address: No fixed address
Phone Number: 1010489
Social Security Number: 556823204

Check ID((Post a screenshot where you transfer 2000 dollars to an SD member Captain or Above)): ((Do it when you get the license.))

Why are you applying to achieve a weapon license and what level clearance are you applying for and why?((150 words minimum)):

When I first stepped on US soil in 2003 I was encountered with the need to obtain a weapons license to pursue my habit of hunting. I also work as a primary producer of wheat in the nearby farm, To where I have encountered feral animals that have destroyed my crops over the last few years. It is now, When I have my US citizenship that I apply for a level 2 firearms license so I can own a bolt action rifle to which will help provide high-yield crops and help the local community by that. Hopefully another aspect of consideration of my application would be the assistance it could provide in the event of a citizens arrest; Where the police response time has taken too long, In all respects to the department it could help.
The hobby of hunting I pursue has been held off for 8 years, As a sport I think its time, As a United States citizen to pick this hobby up again and remain social to those sort of people. I have completed my Australian Federal Police weapon safety course and I currently hold a B class weapons license in Australia. As the standard is relatively higher from the post-Port Arthur massacre reforms in the late 90's I have completed five weapons safety courses.

State why we would accept your application((100 words minimum)):

As a primary producer I believe that my weapons application should be accepted for the following reasons; There is no danger of postal syndrome, The state benefits from what the weapons license can help provide from the amount of crops saved, There is less strain on the 911 call system as more citizens become less collateral.
Postal syndrome for me has been eradicated through my calm, stress free life as a producer of wheat and my loaning business. I have completed multiple weapons safety courses in harsh states across Australia, Which enforces hard gun laws upon all its people.
The state will benefit from this as I can produce a full crop, Instead of the 3/4ths I currently produce now. This is because the wildlife attempts to take its own share of the crop.
There is less strain on the 911 calling system as more citizens are put into less collateral because they will not crowd around a scene if there is already some form of jurisdiction, This will never happen and is hypothetical but it would prove beneficial.

Do you have experience with pistols and / or other weapons:






AUG Steyer, .303 Le Enfield Mrk 4, Ruger 700.

Current employment:

Entrepreneur, Farmer.

IG level: 6
Peter Greenson
Peter Greenson

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Join date : 2011-02-01
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Weapon License application - Steven Alderman  Empty Re: Weapon License application - Steven Alderman

Post by Terry Winston Sun Aug 14, 2011 1:56 pm

Weapon License application - Steven Alderman  2akh5rq

PO Box 90, Dillimore, San Andreas
Mr. Alderman.

We are Pleased to inform you that your firearms application has been ACCEPTED,
Please come down to the sheriffs department with the required funds to recive your license.

Terry Winston.
Terry Winston
Terry Winston
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Join date : 2011-06-02
Age : 32
Location : England

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