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Luke Campbell <License Application: II>

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Luke Campbell <License Application: II> Empty Luke Campbell <License Application: II>

Post by Luke_Campbell Thu Aug 18, 2011 11:21 pm

An unknown male which has his face entirely obscured in the shadow of his hood, showing just the bottom half of his face, steps into Red County Sheriff's Department, seeking for the standard application form to proper use of firearm weaponry.

The same unknown male grabs the standard application form to proper use of firearm weaponry, sharply muttering a few words which could be understood, simply as "This can fit my purposes".

[Two days later].

Two days later, a random officer, as usual, all sudden decides to inspect the mailbox, for any incoming correspondence.
The officer find a peculiar, yet extravagant envelope, where such merely informations are shown.

To: Red County Sheriff's Department
455 Main St.,
Dillimore, San Andreas - 91034.

From: Luke Campbell.
15 - Palomino Creek,
Palomino Creek, SA 91034.
August 18th 2011.
As the envolope is delivered to its correct sector, the responsible may open it, realizing an application.
The responsible decides to read and evaluate the given application, someway.

Luke Campbell <License Application: II> 2akh5rq
Red County Sheriff's Department.
Courtesy - Professionalism - Respect.

- Luke.

- Campbell.

- Twenty-six years old.

- Palominos Creek, 15.

Phone Number:
- 1010664 (Ten, ten, sixty-six, four).

Social Security Number:
- 742-64-1235.

Current employment:
- Fisherman, currently establishing his own company.


Clearance Level:
- Level 2.

Why are you applying to achieve a weapon license and what level clearance are you applying for and why?:
- Initially, this started around seven-eight weeks ago (perhaps reaching the two months' mark), when I was sent back from Rhein-Main Air Base, a formely known U.S. Air Force / NATO military airbase near the city of Frankfurt am Main, Germany to The United States, as I was obligued to retire from military active duty, due the lack of evidences about last events, proving my innocence within classified related files. In short -- all I had been, was washed away by waters of the past, leaving me nothing more than nothing. So that's when I felt the need to perfom out activities to re-engage myself, owing my previous profession (which were not easy and simple at all), furthermore I had the brilliant idea of moving to Palomino Creek given its high rate of biodiversity, wildlife, and finally, the most important reason I moved: The famous hunting season. Since then ...I've been preparing myself to it, although I just can't hunt without a proper weapon, isn't it? That is why I'm applying to a clearance level 2 license, mainly coz' of the Country rifle. Another reason is: as far as I've seen, the streets aren't safe anymore (without trying to critic the officers' work, also coz' they do it wonderfully), it is just the current amount of gangsters and criminals outta' there is ridiculously huge and they the quantity keep increasing more and more. The fact is that the mankind actually need someway to protect themselves, even that just a bit, against criminals and gangsters, which are including armed to the teeth.

State why we would accept your application:
- This is simpler than actually looks like. I don't fit into the "happy-trigger" stereotype, with great power comes great responsibility, and this is the way it is -- within my comprehensive military training and aswell as my extensive in-field experience, I've been becoming chill, slowly - yes, but yet it's clearly visibly. I am aware of the precautions I should take while, or when using any firearm in public, that I don't just put my life at risk, but also all of those around me. It is clear that I shall limit the weaponry use to cases of extreme necessity, although such kind of application don't fit my proposal at all, considering that for now, the use of any possible firearm will be strictly concerned to the legalized wildlife hunting, ONLY.

Do you have experience with pistols and/or other weapons:
- Yes, I do. As already stated above ...given the circumstances, and I being a combat veteran serviceman, I learned a few advanced ways to manipulate several types of weapons and such most utilized models, aswell how to do best use of their mechanisms.

(IG level: 8.)
You decide to accept/decline the application, for your own reasons.

Last edited by Luke_Campbell on Sat Aug 20, 2011 10:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Luke Campbell <License Application: II> Empty Re: Luke Campbell <License Application: II>

Post by Terry Winston Sat Aug 20, 2011 1:28 am

Mr campbell,

Your application has been DENIED,
Reason: you do not have a valid reason for a level 2 license
Aslo you require a level 1 license first

Terry Winston.
Terry Winston
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