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Rickhard McKnight License level 1 Apply

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Rickhard McKnight License level 1 Apply Empty Rickhard McKnight License level 1 Apply

Post by Richard Sat Aug 20, 2011 12:40 pm

Forename and Surname:Rickhard_McKnight
Phone Number:1010718
Social Security Number:237-219-366

Check ID((Post a screenshot where you transfer 2000 dollars to an SD member Captain or Above)): ((Do it when you get the license.))

Why are you applying to achieve a weapon license and what level clearance are you applying for and why?((150 words minimum)):
I am applying for level 1 license.I am applying for license because in few days ago I`ve seen that population of wolves has raised and danger too, another reason for applying for license is that I am an old man and I am not strong so I need gun for protection from wolves and thieves.Also i am Ex-Hunter from from small willage near Mount Chilliad and moved away from that willage in Palomino Creek 2 years ago and since than i wasnt hunting and now i dacided to get back to my favourite hobby,and most of my time I spend time in nature and on the street so I am target of thieves and animals.I know that most of wolves are domesticable but still there are wild ones so you need to have protection.And a reason to have a gun are also the gangs Palomino has a lot of gangs and mafia for that small town so you need to watch every man or woman carefouly.

State why we would accept your application((100 words minimum)):
Because I was in Vietnam war and i know to handle a gun really good and I am going to protect citizens from wolfs and criminals.And if you want to see less dead bodies on the street give me the gun.I wont use guns for bad purposes like killing people shoting in public and robing people.I want to have gun to protect myself and citizens because i am old man and i cant protect myself anymore with fists.
Also Palomino Creek is full of gangs and thieves and police isnt too good most of time they rest and dont do anything so we need to find second source of protection.

Do you have experience with pistols and / or other weapons:

Glock 17, Colt 45, Luger



Current employment:
IG level:3

New Residence

Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-08-19

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