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David Jones[SD Application]

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David Jones[SD Application] Empty David Jones[SD Application]

Post by Max Woods Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:50 pm

In Character

First Name: David

Last Name: Jones

Gender: Male

Race: America

Date of Birth: 1986/4/9 - [Year/Day/Month]

Place of Birth: Los Santos

Current active address: 15 Palomino Creek

Available phone number(s): 1010015

Education: High School in Jefferson, Law School in Las Venturas.

Are you currently in occupation?: No.
If yes, what is your current occupation?: N/A

Have you had any previous occupations?: Yes.
If yes, what were your previous occupations?: Fishing, mostly.

Do you own a current valid driver license?: Yes.
If yes, has it ever been suspended?: No.

Do you posses any knowledge or experience in the law enforcement area?: Yes.
Have you ever been arrested?: No.
If yes for what charges/crimes?: N/A

Have you ever served time in prison?: No.
If yes for what charges/crimes?: N/A

Biography: David Jones was born in Los Santos growing up as a normal kid, his dad had a stable job and his mom was working in a 24/7. As he grew up he was searching for a job in Idlewood, he was working in a Tattoo shop earning enough for a living. He soon collected money to buy a house, near the Tattoo shop. One day, as he came home from work, he found a girl, lying onto the floor in his house. He ran to her down trying to wake her up, he couldn’t wake her up for some reason and there, he knew something was wrong. He took the phone from the table calling 911, the police responded quickly and they brought the medic’s. They helped the girl as she came back to his house in 2 days, searching for him. She explained him how she was attacked by a black male. She ran into his house looking around for people to find to help her, but it was to late as she was hitted by something in the head and fell down. She felt some stabbing into her arm and she heard how someone ran away. There she fell unconscious while hearing David entering the room. David asked the girl’s name and she told him her name is Jessica. They talked and talked while soon they began dating. David’s dad was in the army, serving as a Lieutenant, so he went to law school in Las Ventura’s, he worked in the Los Santos Police Department, had a stable job with a good pay. David and Jessica soon got married as they lived a happy life, with David swearing to god that he will find the black male who-ever attacked Jessica. He began searching in the Criminal Database for things that happened to Jessica. He found a black male named Ryan Woods; he began the search for him around Los Santos with his partner Jack. They found him, working in a strip bar called: The Pig Pen. They rammed the door as it was locked and found him, with a stripper dancing around him; they took out their tazers aiming him and shouting him to freeze. He threw the stripper off from him and ran away towards the back door. He went into his Black Buffalo with the registration: SA-85715, he drove away to the Star Tower, while we were following him. Jack aimed out his desert eagle out of the car shooting his tires; he flipped over the road, and crashed the car. We both aimed the tazer onto him while Jack was getting his cuffs and cuffed him. We asked Jessica if its him and she witnessed that it was him. He went into jail for 20 Years for: Resisting Arrest, Murders, Attempt Murder and Rape. Jessica and I went to Red County to live on the farm as the crime rate was getting higher and higher in Los Santos, it wasn’t safe. We both lived in a town called Blueberry where I was working on the farm and Jessica in a 24/7 like my mother did. Soon, we heard about strange creatures hunting around the town, cannibals and wolves, running free around town eating people. Me and Jessica locked ourselves in the house, I took my shotgun and my cross, aimed the door as the cannibals shouted while ramming the door with the wolves. I shot one bullet taking out one cannibal while Jessica took out a Glock aiming one wolves head shooting him. They retreated as the wolf, was suddenly turning into something. We could not believe our eyes as it was a human. We ran to him taking him into a room, looking at him. We knew there is something wrong with this town. We left him be in the room as we left out of the town with our car, Sadler. We searched random towns, until we found a beautiful town, with a beach and much stores. We bought a house there again, with the money we collected from Blueberry, met new neighbors’ and started a new and happy life, again. But yet it was dangerous as Los Santos and Blueberry together. My wife was working in the bank and she got killed. It was a bank robbery where she got murdered… I knew I should get a stable job to fill the gap inside me that Jessica left… I applied on a website for RCSD; Red County Sheriff Department. There I started my career as a Sheriff Cadet. I was happy but I still missed Jessica, I visited her grave from time to time, but yet no-one could have filled my life as she did. I sometimes wish we never came to Palomino Creek, but there I couldn’t meet my new friends… They were all supporting me. In my free time I was sitting on benches at the bank looking for criminal activity… Currently I found out about a Mafia, and I’m still working on that project. There are a few mafias but yet I don’t have enough evidence to strike them. I’m living in 29 Palomino Creek; my phone number is 1010015… David is a friendly and nice person living in Palomino Creek. Hoping to meet new friends and go on adventures he never saw before. He also visits the church, praying his sins, he is a Catholic. He dislikes racists and gangs. He would give simply anything to get his wife back… He is somehow rich in his bank account, so we could say he is living a happy life. He was also retired from the RCSD to get a break from it all, as he is now applying for it again. Hoping, to become a Cadet again, have the old brief training. Arresting law breakers… His friend is also in the RCSD; his name is Nero McKay… He hopes to be his partner… He often goes into the forest meditating and thinking about his dear Jessica. That’s his story.

Out of Character

Age: 13
Country: Croatia

Server nickname: David Jones

Past characters and factions: SD, Fegari Pedia. David Jones, Martin Kingley, Josh Stamp.

How long have you been a member of this server?: Since 2010-12-25

Have you ever been banned from this server (if yes, why)?: Yes.
DM - It was long time ago and I regret it as I was a bad RPer that days.

Why do you wish to join this faction?: Well, Ive been here many times and I miss the arresting and chasing, its simply awesome. I like the RP, I like how the SD works and I wanna try to be in the SD again, this time to stay longer...
Have you ever played on any other role play servers (if yes, which)?: Argonath RP, Zombie Outbreak RP, United States Roleplay, Los Santos RolePlay.
Do you posses any law enforcement knowledge or role play experience?: Yes.
Have you read the application rules?: Yes.
Any other comments: Nope, not realy.

Role Play

Explain what is role play and its basics: Roleplay is acting a character, someone other then yourself to be exact. Roleplaying like a new life.
Explain what is meta game and give two different examples: Metagaming is using internet expressions in IC Chat and/or using OOC information ICly.

Ex1: Hey n00b y u play samp admins are awsm irl lul'z
Ex2: *Person 1 walks to Person 2* Hey Tom how are you? *Person 1 didnt know his name but saw his nametag *

Explain what is power game and give two different examples: Doing something you cant do In Real Life and/or forcing actions towards players
Ex1: /me flys up like superman
Ex2: /me rapes him - Didnt do any S/F just did the action[Forcing actions towards players]
Explain what is "gun from ass": Taking gun out[Q/E] with no roleplay stated from where is it being tooken.

Give an example of a good detailed role play /me: /me sighs as he takes his car key's from his pockets putting them into the key-hole flipping them turning the engine on

Give an example of a bad role play /me: /me takes gun and shots him

Max Woods
Max Woods

Posts : 1171
Join date : 2011-01-02
Location : Croatia, Sea Side

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