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Nick Jones's Firearms Application

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Nick Jones's Firearms Application Empty Nick Jones's Firearms Application

Post by Marcus Campbell Sat May 28, 2011 1:19 am

Forename and Surname:Nick Jones

Address:21 Palomino Creek.

Phone Number:1010343

Social Security Number:33-5-66

Check ID((Post a screenshot where you transfer 2000 dollars to an FBI member)):If i get accepted i will pass the money.
Why are you applying to achieve a weapon license((150 words minimum)):Well everytime i walk outside in town i see a lot of cops and robbers shooting at each other and when i get attacked i got nothing at all to protect myself.Which means when i get this license i will use it for protection only and will not use if for anything else.Because otherwise i could get shot and be heavily injured but with a weapon i can protect myself and help any other person who is being held at gunpoint being threatened at.And also to protect my friends my family and anything else.However instead of using the bullets themself i would rather use it to scare other criminals off.In said case i hope this will be looked after and will be accepted because otherwise i would have nothing with me to protect myself.Also i have the knowledge on how to use gun properly.This is all the info i can give you.

State why we would accept your application((100 words minimum)):Because all the gangsters other criminals and especially wolves would have an opportunity to attack me at anytime so i can simply use my gun to injure them slightly out of self-defense or just scare them away if possible.I will not use this to kill innocent persons because i would be a murderer for doing so.No,i'm just requesting this because i need it for my own safety.Because anything could happen and once again that is the reason to request this.I will pay for any damage made by myself and even hand it my license when officers have the rights to confiscate it.That is all the info i can give you about this.It's up to you to decide wether i shall get this or not.

Do you have experience with handguns and / or other weapons:Yes i can use any weapon properly without making unneeded damamge at all.

Current employment:None.

Signature :Nick Jones.
Marcus Campbell
Marcus Campbell
Sheriff's Department
Sheriff's Department

Personal Text : R.I.P VHRP 2010-2012
Posts : 990
Join date : 2011-03-12
Age : 27
Location : Belgium,Europe

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