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Jason Nicolas's Firearms license aplication

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Jason Nicolas's Firearms license aplication Empty Jason Nicolas's Firearms license aplication

Post by Jason Nicolas Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:27 pm

Forename and Surname: Jason Nicolas
Address: 14 Palomino Creek

Phone Number: 1010412

Social Security Number: 215042681

Check ID((Post a screenshot where you transfer 2000 dollars to an FBI member)):
Why are you applying to achieve a weapon license((150 words minimum)):

I'm applyng for a weapon license because I want to protect my family and my friends
from robers and crimininals around the Palomino Creek.When I was 10 years me and my brother
we was playng outside with our friends like always but in a day we heard gunshots coming
from our house so we came back home to check what hapened.When we reached there we found
the door broken and then we entered in house and we found blood on the floor that leads to
the kitchen.So we went to the kitchen to check what is there and we found our father dead
on the floor.After that we started to search for our mom and we found her while she was
hiding in the wardrobe.After we found her we asked what hapened and then she tolds us
everything.After the incident our lifes was more harder because mom's job wasn't a good
because the paycheck was litle one.So she neded to work harder to get more money.After me
and my brother we finished high school we started to take jobs to help our mom.When I
reached 22 years me and my friend we went in a club to dance and have some fun.Later after
we exited from the club and while we was going to our houses a man with a gun said to us
to give him all our money to him.We gived the money because we was scared of the gun.
After we gived him the money he shoted one of my friends and then he runs away.We called the
the paramedic but when they reached to us our friend died.

That why I am applyng for a weapons License.

State why we would accept your application((100 words minimum)):

Because if you wouldn't accept my application it will be harder for me to protect my family
and my friend.And I know when I need to use it and when I dont need to use it.I had before some
training with varieties of guns at a shooting yard and I aim good.I don't drink or smoke
because if I do i would wound or kill someone.If you accept my application for weapons
license I will not abuse it to sell guns ilegaly to other persons or to any organisations.
And I will make sure that I wont broke any rule of keeping a firearm for my interest.

Do you have experience with handguns and / or other weapons:
Deser Deagle,Shotgun,Uzi,Rifle,Sniper Rifle,Ak-47,M4 and Combat Shotgun

Current employment:Farmer

Signature:Jason Nicolas

Last edited by Jason Nicolas on Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:10 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Forgot to put the Age)
Jason Nicolas
Jason Nicolas

Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-07-20
Age : 27

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Jason Nicolas's Firearms license aplication Empty Re: Jason Nicolas's Firearms license aplication

Post by Terry Winston Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:59 pm

[b]Mr Nicolas,

You weapons license had been denied, due to the fact you have a criminal record.

Terry Winston
Terry Winston
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